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D365 Finance and Operations - Functionality Series 1 - "Navigation Bar" in D365 F&O

For a user who is new to D365 Finance and Operations and the user wants to know where he/she is navigated to, D365 FO allows the user to see the navigation path, for example, see the below screenshot

The next question that comes to our mind is how to enable this navigation bar. Below are the configuration steps to configure the Navigation Bar.

Prerequisites: The user should have a "system administrator" role.

Step 1: Go to System Administration > Setup > Client performance options

Step 2: Click on "Client Performance Options" and "Enable legacy navigation bar" to"YES" and then click the "OK" Button below

Step 3: Now, navigate to any module screen, and boom!!! you can see the navigation bar as shown in the below screen Shot (Reload or Refresh the screen if you are not able to see it even after enabling it).

Hope this helps you.

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